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2shine is built to be easy to customize to anyone's needs one of the more often customized components is the navigation. So here you go a complete guide to 2shine navigation.

If you want to make any adjustments to the navigation which aren’t already provided you will have to do that at the following location: 2shine/nav.

Disable Dropdown in the Navigation

  1. In your files, go to the controls
  2. Go to theme-body.ascx
  3. In this file search for the line where the navigation file is loaded. It should look like this:
    • <dnn:MENU MenuStyle="nav/mainDropdown" NodeSelector="*,0" runat="server" />
  4. Change this line to:
    • <dnn:MENU MenuStyle="nav/mainNoDropdown" NodeSelector="*,0" runat="server" />

This change will apply to the entire site. This is possible because we prepared a second version of our normal navbar which does not generate the dropdown menu.

👉 Here you will find this example

Mobile Navigation orientation

On mobile the navigation changes to a collapsible menu which is triggered by the hamburger button. This menu usually comes onto the screen from the left. You can change this by changing the offcanvas class in the header in the themebody.ascx file. This class can have the values "start", "top" and "end".